Concussion Training

Sports Concussion Injury Prevention and Management Training



A state law on Sports Concussion Injury Prevention and Management was passed in December 2010. Prior to the start of the season, you will be required to take this Centers for Disease Control On-Line Training Program (see link below).

This law will impact all Youth Soccer Programs run through NJYS that apply to rent out/use HS or Public Parks and Recreation Fields -- besides turning in a Certificate of Insurance, School/Parks and Recs will require at some point to begin to require proof that all coaches using these complexes show proof of training in Sports Concussions.

Bottom line, YOU MUST take the On Line Course -- Bordentown FC and NJYS will require coaches to submit proof of having taken this course, which will be a copy of the certifcate you receive at the end of the course.

Get prepared now and find out more here!


Here is the link to obtain said training--its simple and FREE!